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#0005 : God the Father

« Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands » Isaiah 49:15-16a

It is snowing today in Paris. I have seen children having a snowball fight. I saw a father and his child making a snowman in the backyard of my building.

I imagine how fondly they will look back on those times they spent together. Engaging in a common activity, working hard together for a common goal, or just bonding sincerely with someone: these are the most beautiful things that come with human relationships.

However, this remains incomparable with the immense privilege enjoyed by those who love God. God has promised that He will take care of his children. When we have faith, we become his adopted children, we become co-heirs of God with Jesus Christ!

We can give our life to Him without hesitation because He knows everything in advance. We can live without fear of tomorrow because our Father is the one who placed the foundations of the Universe. It is Him who maintains it even today!

Us, who were nothing, us, who are smaller than dust on the scale of the cosmos, have access to the High Throne of God the Father.

We did not deserve it, but God the Father sent his only begotten Son to Earth to die on the cross in our place, because of our sins, our pride and our infidelity. Jesus his Son lived the perfect life with which He covers us: God the Father now sees us through Him, if we have faith.

God has become our Father. No matter how imperfect our earthly parents are, perhaps even the lack of a parental figure. God is perfect. He will never betray us, and abandoning everything for Him is synonymous to a life of peace that surpasses all intelligence, joy and hope!

Just as a little child may be narrow-minded and believe that they know more than their parents, sometimes we refuse to surrender everything to God. We are afraid that He will not know how to take care of it, that He will deprive us of something that we need, we are even afraid that He is wrong. What folly to think this way when it is HIM who created our needs, and who knows perfectly how to fulfil them.

For a long time now, I have prayed a lot that God will remove from my heart everything that prevents me from relying entirely on Him. I prayed that I could be satisfied only with His presence, I really wanted to devote myself to Him and separate myself from my recurring sins that I didn't seem able to overcome.

And He heard me, He answered me.

He brought to light in my heart the things I didn't want to let go. And since then, I can safely claim that the chains of events that followed are truly supernatural in nature: they come from God.

God took from me little by little, one by one and gently these things that I held too close to my heart, and although I thought that it would hurt me, that it would be too hard, God placed in my heart a truly inexplicable peace, an unfailing joy which overflows from my heart and which makes me want to jump for joy!

And He still continues to work in me. He speaks to me through his Word, through songs of praise, through brothers and sisters, through the books I read and even through the sunsets.

He reminds me that He's there. He reminds me that His presence is all I need. That He's always been there and that He's not going to go away. He takes care of his children and nothing and no one can take them out of his hand.

I wish everyone to live with God. This is the only thing that makes this life worth living is to grasp the reality of the most wonderful eternity with Him!

Be blessed in this new year,


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